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Title : Security for Healthcare Data on Cloud
Authors : Kushan Shah, Vivek Prasad
Keywords : Encryption Techniques, Cloud, Privacy-aware, Control Model.
Issue Date : May 2017.
Abstract :
A large amount of healthcare data is collected and stored online all around the world. This data can be used by doctors in prognosis, patients for their understanding, insurance companies, governments and many other institutions. Cloud acts as a platform where this data can be stored and can be accessed anywhere. It decreases the cost of processing, storing and transferring the data online to merchants. The data is stored in the form of EHR – Electronic Health Records which is available online anytime and can be updated as and when the patient undergoes any treatment of diagnosis. The report data along with the supporting data like x-ray images, scan images, patient private data and treatment procedure can be stored. The major issue that needs to be dealt with at this stage is the security of the above mentioned data. This data can be misused very easily and can cause harm to the individual if fallen victim to such schemes. Encrypting the data stored online is thus very important and the key for decrypting the data should only be made available to the doctors and concerned stakeholders. Contents of this paper mention various methods of encryption and also addresses security and privacy challenges in healthcare cloud by deploying a novel framework with CPRBAC (Cloud-based Privacy-aware Role Based Access Control) model[4].
Page(s) : 207-212
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 9, Issue.05

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