e-ISSN : 0975-4024 p-ISSN : 2319-8613   

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ISSN: 0975-4024

Title : Image Watermarking Using Visual Perception Model and Statistical Features
Authors : Ms. S.Meenakshi, Mrs.C.Akila
Keywords : Visual Perception Model, RST, RBAs, Histogram, Gaussian filter, artifacts.
Issue Date : Jun 2010
Abstract :
This paper presents an effective method for the image watermarking using visual perception model based on statistical features in the low frequency domain. In the image watermarking community watermark resistance to geometric attacks is an important issue. Most countermeasures proposed in the literature usually focus on the problem of global affine transforms such as rotation, scaling and translation (RST), but few are resistant to challenging cropping and random bending attacks (RBAs). Normally in the case of watermarking there may be an occurrence of distortion in the form of artifacts. A visual perception model is proposed to quantify the localized tolerance to noise for arbitrary imagery which achieves the reduction of artifacts. As a result, the watermarking system provides a satisfactory performance for those content-preserving geometric deformations and image processing operations, including JPEG compression, low pass filtering, cropping and RBAs.
Page(s) : 194-199
ISSN : 0975-4024
Source : Vol. 2, No.3