e-ISSN : 0975-4024 p-ISSN : 2319-8613   

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ISSN: 0975-4024

Title : Autobot Evolution: A Futuristic approach
Authors : N.Hariharan, S.Perumal Sankar, Vishnu.V
Keywords : SCABOR, GPS, 3-D lane detection, autonomous driving.
Issue Date : June-July 2011
Abstract :
SCABOR is an approach for the 3-D lane detection and autonomous driving. Its main attribute is to diagnose the metrology of roads. It has a wide significance in determining the basic structure, the presence of humps and dips and gives a clear and cache information of the way .Our view on this paper is to apply SCABOR along with the application of the GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM in autonomous driving system for safe and fast driving. Here the SCABOR technology’s current application is outlined and its use has been extended to traffic system. We have suggested a unique method for flexible driving. We also suggest ways in which SCABOR technology can be enhanced for future applications. Among the significant advantages, these techniques perform well even in high risk zones and congested areas with up to 100% accuracy where many other techniques fail.
Page(s) : 250-255
ISSN : 0975-4024
Source : Vol. 3, No.3