e-ISSN : 0975-4024 p-ISSN : 2319-8613   

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ISSN: 0975-4024

Title : Arabo-AndalusianZellijImages RetrievalMethod Based on the Maximum Common Sub-graph
Authors : F. Touzani, M. Harti, R. Benslimane
Keywords : Content-based image Retrieval and indexing, Adjacency graph, Maximum common sub-graph, Arabic-Andalous decors, Geometrical Art, Similarity measure.
Issue Date : Aug-Sep 2012
Abstract :
This paper describes a new indexing and retrieval method that can be used for indexing an Arabo-Andalusian pattern images database where each image is characterized by its zellij Tiles (elementary shape) and their spatial relationship. The proposed method allows representing this spatial relationship by an adjacency graph, itself represented by an adjacency matrix. The search of patterns similar to a given one presented as a query is then realized by calculating a similarity index characterizing the maximum common sub-graph between query image and model images of the database.
The performance of the proposed method is then tested on a database of rosettes (decors which begin at a central point and grow radially outward), built for the purpose of this work.
Page(s) : 175-185
ISSN : 0975-4024
Source : Vol. 4, No.4