e-ISSN : 0975-4024 p-ISSN : 2319-8613   

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ISSN: 0975-4024

Title : Mobile surface water filtration system
Authors : Aashish Vatsyayan, B.Hemalatha
Keywords : Surface tension, Autonomous, Electrocoagulation, Oil spills, Navigation
Issue Date : Aug-Sep 2012
Abstract :
Aim: To design a mobile system for surface water filtration
Methodology: the filtration of surface impurities begins with their retraction to concentrated thickness using non ionising surfactants, then isolation using surface tension property and sedimentation of impurities in process chamber using electrocoagulation.
Result:following studies done to determine the rate of spreading of crude oil on water a method for retraction of spread crude oil to concentrated volumes is developed involving addition of non -ionising surfactants in contrast to use of dispersants. Electrocoagulation process involves multiple processes taking place to lead to deposition of impurities such as oil, grease, metals. Studies of experiments conducted reveals parameters necessary for design of electrocoagulation process chamber though a holistic approach towards system designing is still required. Propeller theory is used in determining the required design of propeller and the desired thrust, the overall structure will finally contribute in deciding the choice of propeller.
Conclusion: An alternate take on water surface filtration is primarily discussed which is aimed at removal of impurities by using chemicals, mechanical and electrical processes. Continuous efforts have to be made in effective implementation of this assembly of different disciplines into a functioning full scale system. Its implementation extends to all still water bodies
Page(s) : 186-194
ISSN : 0975-4024
Source : Vol. 4, No.4