Abstract |
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Multilevel Space Time Trellis Coded Modulation with antenna grouping, which has been proposed recently, has coding gain and diversity gain, which in turn provide high throughput with considerable low computational complexity. However its performance is limited by predefining the antenna groups per component codes. In this paper Multilevel Spatial Multiplexing-Space Time Trellis Coded Modulation (ML-SM-STTCM) has been proposed, in which antenna group selection is made based on spatial modulation based on trellis coding proposed by Ertugrul Basar and team. This idea maximizes the spatial diversity. Since only selected antennas are used to transmit the signal, and also the antennas with less cross correlation are in the selected groups, we could able to achieve improved BER performance even in the fast fading channel. Since the antenna selection is based on the component code in the system, at the decoder without increase in the computational complexity, we could achieve better error performance. The performance of the proposed system is analysed with Viterbi decoding algorithm and sub optimal sequential decoding algorithm. In this system, the antenna groups are non-overlapping, hence, it needs Nt, the number transmitter antennas, more than what is required at time t. The computer simulation reveals that the proposed system gives better BER performance compared to Multilevel Space Time Trellis Coded Modulation (ML STTCM) over fast fading channel with the same computational complexity both at the transmitter and receiver. |