e-ISSN : 0975-4024 p-ISSN : 2319-8613   

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ISSN: 0975-4024

Title : Relation Based Mining Model for Enhancing Web Document Clustering
Authors : M.Reka, Dr.N.Shanthi
Keywords : Clustering, Semantic Ontology, Information Retrieval.
Issue Date : Apr - May 2014
Abstract :
The design of web Information management system becomes more complex one with more time complexity. Information retrieval is a difficult task due to the huge volume of web documents. The way of clustering makes the retrieval easier and less time consuming. Thisalgorithm introducesa web document clustering approach, which use the semantic relation between documents, which reduces the time complexity. It identifies the relations and concepts in a document and also computes the relation score between documents. This algorithm analyses the key concepts from the web documents by preprocessing, stemming, and stop word removal. Identified concepts are used to compute the document relation score and clusterrelation score. The domain ontology is used to compute the document relation score and cluster relation score. Based on the document relation score and cluster relation score, the web document cluster is identified. This algorithm uses 2,00,000 web documents for evaluation and 60 percentas trainingset and 40 percent as testing set.
Page(s) : 825-832
ISSN : 0975-4024
Source : Vol. 6, No.2