e-ISSN : 0975-4024 p-ISSN : 2319-8613   

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ISSN: 0975-4024

Title : Challenges of Vehicle Parking in Central Business District of SabzevarCity, Iran
Authors : Ehsan Amini, Shankar B
Keywords : Central Business District,Parking, Urban Mobility, Traffic Congestion,
Issue Date : Jun-Jul 2017
Abstract :
Central Business Districts (CBDs) are undisputable areas of traffic attraction occasioned by increasing commercial and economic activities. It attracted people from different parts of the city and its region for shopping and recreational facilities and accelerated mobility of vehicles in CBD. The greater mobility has created traffic congestion and parking problems. Due to tremendous increase in vehicular movements in the central areas in recent time, the parking efficiency is affecting people’s lifestyle especially during peak hours. The availability of lesser space has been creating great challenges on transport planners for vehicular parking planning and management. Though the Sabzevar’s city government has made efforts to solve parking problem in the Central Business District, the parking demand has stroked-up to the unexpected levels. This paper attempts to discuss the parking problems of central business district and proposes measures and strategies for meeting the key challenges of parking demand in the City of Sabzevar.
Page(s) : 1657-1666
ISSN : 0975-4024 (Online) 2319-8613 (Print)
Source : Vol. 9, No.3
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DOI : 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i3/170903518