e-ISSN : 0975-4024 p-ISSN : 2319-8613   

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ISSN: 0975-4024

Title : A Performance Evaluation of Multi-User Time-Variant Multipath Channel Model Operating at 2400MHz and 5300MHz for Various Power Spectrum
Authors : Ramakrishna.S, Priyatamkumar
Keywords : Complex channel environments, Channel model, Doppler shift, Tapped Delay Line (TDL) , Jakes Doppler Spectrum,Gaussian Doppler spectrum
Issue Date : July 2017
Abstract :
There has been a significant advancement in the field of wireless communication networks. The main aim of the development is to provide a higher data rates even under complex channel environments. This has necessitated in modeling the propagation channel under complex environmental conditions. The paper focuses on developing a channel model and scrutinizes the effect of various channel impairments under adverse environments in which mobile networks operate. The physical environmental phenomena considered are types of terrains, Doppler shift, multipath fading and propagation. A tapped delay line based channel line model has been implemented and analyzed and the performance of the channel was studied for time variant input. In the results of the simulation it was observed that there is no significant influence of carrier frequency and the number of taps needed in TDL comes to be around 8. Considering the environments with respect to the mobility it is observed that Jakes Doppler Spectrum is best suitable for intense mobility urban environmental conditions. Whereas the Gaussian Doppler spectrum is observed to be best suitable for low mobility urban environments and for hilly terrain under low and high mobility.
Page(s) : 297-309
ISSN : 0975-4024 (Online) 2319-8613 (Print)
Source : Vol. 9, No.3S
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DOI : 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i3/170903S047