e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : Design of intelligent multinode Sensor networking
Authors : Mr. N.Suresh kumar, Dr. D.V.Rama Koti Reddy, Mr.B.Promod Kumar, S. Lavanya
Keywords : intelligent sensor networking.
Issue Date : May 2010
Abstract :
The paper deals with the self configured intelligent sensor networking. The individual sensors are acting on the body or an object to measure different parameters. Although the sensors are measuring parameters accurately, but they are failed to act depending on different situations. For example a robot is moving on a surface can take decision to turn left or right when an obstacle come across. But the same robots take wrong decision when the obstacle is not static. The robot can wait till the obstacle passed away from its way. But the robot still follows the traditional way, which is turning left or turn. In this case the robot is failed to take correct decision depending on the situation. If we consider other example such as traditional automatic water supply to plants or crops, the system supplies the water at regular intervals of time with accurate quantity. But the system takes same decisions in all seasons irrespective of the soil type and crop type. In our system we are proposing a Wireless Distributing sensor system design which is able to take wise decisions as a farmer. A farmer can understands how much water the soil needs and at what time it need to apply. In our work, we are developing, (1) Home Area Networking (2)software supporting above functions; (3) Wireless Sensor Networking.
Page(s) : 468-472
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 2, Issue.3

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