e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : Performance of TCP/IP/ UDP adaptive header compression algorithm for wireless network
Authors : Prof.N.Penchalaiah, Dr.R.Seshadri
Keywords : TCP/IP, UDP, Wireless Network, Adaptive, W-LSB algorithm
Issue Date : August 2010
Abstract :
The convergence of mobile technologies will characterize the future telecommunication systems based on TCP/IP protocols. These Protocols can be used to build both wired and wireless parts on same platform. But TCP/IP headers overheads are large, so it utilizes more bandwidth even small services, whose payload is small. So it definitely need header compression to save bandwidth, as we know bandwidth is the most expensive and scared resource in wireless systems.There are many approaches used to compress the headers overloads. Most commonly used approaches are, an adaptive robust TCP/IP header compression algorithm for 3G wireless networks and an adaptive robust header compression algorithm based on UDP-RTS/CTS handshake for real-time streams in wireless networks such a 3G platforms. But these approaches are not efficient in adaptive nature. So In this paper we are proposing one approach to solve the problem efficiently even in adaptive nature. The aim of this algorithm is to adjust the dimension of Variable Sliding Window (VSW) in W-LSB encoding with the accurate estimation of wireless channel state to achieve the good balance of compression ratio and error-resistant robustness for the adaptive use in wireless link. We present simulation results that demonstrate the effectiveness of this adaptive algorithm over wireless link and comparative study of existing approaches.
Page(s) : 1646-1651
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 2, Issue.5

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