e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : Predicted Link Expiration Time Based Connected Dominating Sets for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
Authors : Pervis Fly, Natarajan Meghanathan
Keywords : Link Expiration Time; Stability; Connected Dominating Sets; Mobile Ad hoc Networks; Simulations
Issue Date : September 2010
Abstract :
We propose an algorithm to determine stable connected dominating sets (CDS), based on the predicted link expiration time (LET), for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The proposed LETbased CDS algorithm is the first such algorithm that constructs a CDS based on edge weights represented by predicted link expiration time, rather the traditional approach of using node weights like the wellknown maximum density-based CDS (MaxD-CDS) algorithm. The construction of the LET-CDS starts with the inclusion of the edge having the largest predicted link expiration time, into the CDS. Once an edge is included as the CDS edge list, the two constituent nodes of the edge becomes part of the CDS node list. The neighbors and the edges incident to either one or both the end nodes of the CDS edge are also said to be covered. The covered edges are considered in the increasing order of their predicted link expiration time, for inclusion in the CDS. If an edge has a higher predicted expiration time and is the next candidate edge to be considered for inclusion into the CDS, it is added to the CDS edge list if either one or both of the end nodes of the edge has at least one neighbor node that is yet to be covered. This procedure is repeated until all the nodes in the network are covered. Simulation results illustrate that the LET-CDS has a longer lifetime compared to the MaxD-CDS, especially in networks of moderate and high density. The LET-CDS also has a larger number of nodes and edges compared to the MaxD-CDS and this helps to reduce the hop count as well as the end-to-end delay and improves the fairness of node usage.
Page(s) : 2096-2103
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 2, Issue.6

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