e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : Image Mining Using Texture and Shape Feature
Authors : Prof.Rupali Sawant
Keywords : Image mining, texture feature, shape feature image retrieval, image clustering, Concept lattice, Cloud model
Issue Date : December 2010
Abstract :
Discovering knowledge from data stored in typical alphanumeric databases, such as relational databases, has been the focal point of most of the work in database mining. However, with advances in secondary and tertiary storage capacity, coupled with a relatively low storage cost, more and more non standard data (in the form of images) is being accumulated. This vast collection of image data can also be mined to discover new and valuable knowledge. During the process of image mining, the concepts in different hierarchies and their relationships are extracted from different hierarchies and granularities, and association rule mining and concept clustering are consequently implemented. The generalization and specialization of concepts are realized in different hierarchies, lower layer concepts can be upgraded to upper layer concepts, and upper layer concepts guide the extraction of lower layer concepts. It is a process from image data to image information, from image information to image knowledge, from lower layer concepts to upper layer concepts. In this paper framework of image mining based on concept lattice and cloud model theory is proposed. The methods of image mining from image texture and shape features are introduced here, which include the following basic steps: firstly pre-process images secondly use cloud model to extract concepts, lastly use concept lattice to extract a series of image knowledge.
Page(s) : 2808-2815
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 2, Issue.9

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