e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : Class hierarchy method to find Change-Proneness
Authors : Malan V.Gaikwad, Aparna S.Nakil, Akhil Khare
Keywords : change proneness, adjacency matrix, adjancency list, dependency between classes
Issue Date : January 2011
Abstract :
Finding Proneness of software is necessary to identify fault prone and change prone classes at earlier stages of development, so that those classes can be given special attention. Also to improves the quality and reliability of the software. For corrective and adaptive maintenance we require to make changes during the software evolution. As such changes cluster around number of key components in software, it is important to analyze the frequency of changes in individual classes and also to identify and show related changes in multiple classes. Early detection of fault prone and change prone classes can enables the developers and experts to spend their valuable time and resources on these areas of software. Prediction of change-prone and fault prone classes of a software is an active topic in the area of software engineering. Such prediction can be used to predict changes to different classes of a system from one release of software to the next release. Identifying the change-prone and fault prone classes in advance can helps to focus attention on these classes. In this paper we are focusing on finding dependency of software that can be achieved by estimating the proneness of Object Oriented Software. Two main types of proneness are associated with OO software. Fault Proneness and Change Proneness.
Page(s) : 21-27
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 3, Issue.1

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