e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : Mobile Software Testing – Automated Test Case Design Strategies
Authors : Selvam R, Dr. V. Karthikeyani
Keywords : Mobile, Software Testing, Automated Test Case, Wireless networks
Issue Date : April 2011.
Abstract :
Mobile devices are poised to challenge PCs as the application platform of choice, with 500 million mobile internet devices expected to ship in 2012 compared to 150 million PCs. The convergence of all digital devices into mobile platform model augments the software companies, software developer, and venture capitalist firms to turn their focus into mobile application platform (for example mobile social networking application like face book and mobile VOIP like Skype) a futuristic platform for increased revenue, new challenges and growth potential. But the commercial success of these applications depends on their working smoothly and securely on a wide variety of handheld devices and wireless networks. More and more virtual mobile application stores are built on the web. The web itself is in the transforming form to adapt to the mobile devices to thrive on. The sudden growth in the mobile application and the complexity in the divergence of the devices that uses these applications present increased challenges and opportunities for the software testing companies and software testers to conquer this small device. Performing such testing quickly and cost-effectively greatly expands the market for such applications. This paper deals the nuances of Automated Test Case Design Strategies for Mobile Software Testing.
Page(s) : 1450-1461
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 3, Issue.04

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