e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : An Efficient Agent-Based AODV Routing Protocol in MANET
Authors : Preeti Bhati, Rinki Chauhan, R K Rathy, Ritu Khurana
Keywords : MANET, agents, network topology, AODV, secure, trusted.
Issue Date : July 2011
Abstract :
A MANET (Mobile Adhoc Network) consists of a collection of mobile nodes communicating with each other without any fixed infrastructure such as access points or base stations. MANETS are self organizing or self restoring. Network topology in MANETS is subject to continuous and precipitous (unpredictable) change. The limited bandwidth availability, energy constraints and highly dynamic topology make the routing process as exigent. The routing process in MANET relies (based) on the cooperation of individual nodes which constitute the network. In this paper, we have tried to remove the existence of misbehaving nodes that may paralyze or slows down the routing operation in MANET. This increases the efficiency of a network. Efficiency can be calculated by the parameters or factors such as transmission capacity, battery power and scalability. Here we are considering the most crucial factor named as transmission capacity of a node. In MANET, as the network size increases complexity of a network also increases. To overcome this we make network as modular. So the network becomes task specific which refer to a particular work only. This is the reason of infusing the concept of agents in an efficient network. This proposed protocol provides the most efficient and reliable route which may or may not be minimum hop count.
Page(s) : 2668-2673
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 3, Issue.7


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