Abstract |
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This paper presents a game theoretic approach to fault detection of reachability testing. Physical systems are susceptible to fault at any time. Due to this reason the problem of determining and reacting to fault detection has received a greater attention in today’s era. In this paper we study the fault detection of reachability tesing from a game theoretic point of view. Reachability testing is an approach that combines non-deterministic and deterministic testing. It is based on a technique, called prefix-based testing, which executes a test run deterministically up to a certain point and there after allows the test run to proceed non-deterministically. We use the well known framework of reachability testing in two fold. First, reachability testing adopts a dynamic framework in which SYN-sequences are derived automatically and on-the-fly, without constructing any static models. Second, reachability testing is an interleaving-free approach in which independent events are never totally ordered in a SYN-sequence. Therefore, reachability testing automatically avoids the problem of exercising more than one interleaving of the same partial ordering of events. The methodology controls the evolution of the system and chooses whether and when a fault occurs and the detection of the same. Case study and preliminary experimental results indicate that proves to be a viable approach using game theoretic method. |