e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : Realisation of Resourceful Data Mining Services Using Cloud Computing
Authors : Ankita Naskar, Prof. Mrs. Monika R. Mishra
Keywords : cloud computing; data mining; apriori algorithm; k-means algorithm; cloud server; XML; web services; GlassFish; SaaS; JDBC.
Issue Date : July 2013.
Abstract :
Data security and access control are the most challenging research work going on, at present, in cloud computing. This is because of the users sending their sensitive data to the cloud providers for acquiring their services. In cloud computing, the data is going to be stored in storage area provided by the service providers. The service providers must have a suitable way to protect their client’s sensitive data, especially to protect the data from unauthorized access. A general method of information privacy protection is to store the client’s data in encrypted form. If the cloud system is in charge for both storage and encryption/decryption of the data, the system administrators may concurrently obtain encrypted data and the decryption keys. This will let them to use the information of the client devoid of any permission. This will lead to the risk of vulnerable information disclose and the method concerned with storage and encryption/decryption is expensive too.
Hence, to overcome these problems, a model (cloud server) has been proposed in this paper which accepts only those data which are required in an encoded form, performs the service opted by the client and sends the result in the encoded format to be understood by the respective client. This paper also contains the implementation results and the benefit analysis of the proposed system.
Page(s) : 625-632
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 5, Issue.07

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