e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : “Economic Load Dispatch by Generating Units under Varying Load Demands Using Artificial Neural Network”
Authors : Sanjay Mathur, Shyam K. Joshi, G.K. Joshi
Keywords : economic load dispatch, load allocations,mathematical modeling, artificial neural network
Issue Date : July 2013.
Abstract :
The problem of economic load dispatch has been tested on a generating plant having Ten units of generators operating in parallel. What shall be the load allocations to individual units for given load demand on the plant? has been found. The allocation of load to each of the ten generators in a generating plant is such that the economic load dispatch is maintained for any value of the load demand on the. It is the basic requirement of economic load dispatch. Further this is true for varying load demands. The estimation of load allocations to generators for every specific load has been carried out using mathematical approach as well as with the help of artificial neural network (ANN). After proper training of the artificial neural network when it is tested, it gave the load allocations for specific load which resulted in economic load dispatch. The results as obtained by mathematical modeling & artificial neural network show a good agreement. Thus it could be established that corresponding to certain load demand the ANN provides the loads to be taken up by the individual generators in the plant for ensuring economic load dispatch.
Page(s) : 639-647
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 5, Issue.07

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