e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : Improvised Interpolation of Contour Lines Using Spider Weaving Approach
Authors : Mohan P Pradhan, M K Ghose
Keywords : Angular Directional Movement, Digital Elevation Model, Elevation, Stair Case, Spider Web.
Issue Date : September 2013.
Abstract :
Geographically contours are virtual lines drawn across the terrain to join points that are at same elevation from certain reference point. Contours are essential morphological features that are used along with the associated elevation as basis for generating Terrain Model or Digital Elevation Model for the area of interest. These lines are represented at different scales depending upon the scale of data representation. The smoothness of the elevation model derived from these contours always depends on the number of contour lines covering the terrain. If there is lesser number of contour lines covering the terrain then the elevation model would rather appear sharp where as on the contrary if the number of line covering the terrain is more than the terrain would rather appear smooth. Further it implies that in order to create a smooth terrain from a set of contours, either contour map with smaller scale should be taken into consideration or efficient interpolation algorithms should be designed. Terrains for which small scale maps are not available the later proves effective. This research initiative aims at designing an efficient algorithm for determining reduced set of interpolation points for generating intermediate contours based on the concept of angular directional movement acquiring knowledge from weaving approach deployed by Spider.
Page(s) : 782-796
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 5, Issue.09

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