e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : Geographic information based Replication and Drop Routing (GeoRaDR): A Hybrid Message Transmission Approach for DTNs
Authors : Dr. Santhi Kumaran
Keywords : message replication, DTNs, local maximum problem, Forward Progress Region, Half Plane
Issue Date : July 2015.
Abstract :
Several approaches have been proposed to perform routing in Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTNs) which has a random connectivity pattern. As the routing path from the source to destination will not be available always it results in low delivery ratio and high end-end delay. Most routing schemes are based on uncontrolled replication mechanisms like full flooding or spraying to explore the diversities in routing paths in order to reduce data transmission delay and reliable message delivery. These methods create redundancy of the data in the network and thus cause high resource consumption like bandwidth and storage. In this paper various replication mechanisms used in different routing schemes are reviewed and a novel Replication and Drop Routing mechanism controlled by the location information (Geo-coordinates) & the velocity of the nodes dubbed as (GeoRaDR) is proposed. With the assistance of the derived moving vector (i.e) the direction and the distance between the encountered nodes with respect to the destination node and the number of nodes available in the forward progress region of the half plane of the candidate node, the replication, drop and routing decisions are made. Thus, GeoRaDR performs a knowledge based replication of messages reducing the problem of redundancy and buffer overflows, while handling the local maximum problem and increasing the link reliability.
Page(s) : 68-74
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 7, Issue.07

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