e-ISSN : 0975-4024 p-ISSN : 2319-8613   

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ISSN: 0975-4024

Title : Network Security Enhancement through Honeypot based Systems
Authors : S Deepa Lakshmi, G Arunkumar, V Madhu Viswanatham
Keywords : Honeypot, Honeynet, Network, Intrusion.
Issue Date : Feb-Mar 2015
Abstract :
Computer Networks and Internet has become very famous nowadays since it satisfies people with varying needs by providing variety of appropriate services. Computer Networks have revolutionized our use of computers. Online bills, shopping, transactions and many other essential activities performed on the go by just a single click from our homes. Though it is a boon in this era, it also has its own risks and weaknesses too. Industries need to tussle to provide security to their networks and indeed not possible to offer a cent per cent security due to the intangible intelligence of hackers intruding into the network. This paper exploits the concept of honeypots for providing security to networks of industries which may not have custom intrusion detection systems or firewalls. The proposed model captures the various techniques used by hackers and creates a log of all hacker activities. Thus using this log, the production network system can be prevented from attackers.
Page(s) : 290-293
ISSN : 0975-4024
Source : Vol. 7, No.1