e-ISSN : 0975-4024 p-ISSN : 2319-8613   

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ISSN: 0975-4024

Title : A Novel Construction of Mixed Parity Code for Secret Data Communication
Authors : B. Senthilkumar
Keywords : Data Communication, Error Correcting code, Block Code, Hamming code, Mixed Parity Code, Crypto-coding, Brute Force Attack
Issue Date : Feb-Mar 2015
Abstract :
A novel construction of Mixed Parity Code for secret message communication is presented in this paper. Mixed Parity Code is a tool for secured data transmission with bit error control mechanism. The construction procedure of this code is provided based on the choices of existing error control codes and existing message character sets. Crypto-code words are prepared by the combinations of message bits and parity bits of Mixed Parity Code. Properties of proposed code are described by the functions of randomized parity bits positions and intentional bits inversions of crypto-code words. Comparative analysis for selecting one of the existing codes is done to construct Mixed Parity Code. Statistical analysis of two different Mixed Parity codes are prepared for showing the computational hardness of crypto-code words against Brute Force Attack. These results reveal the relationship between number of ASCII characters ‘N’ in input block size ‘k’ and number of combinations of ASCII characters Nc in the output block size ‘n’ of (n, k, q) MP code. This paper concludes that the security hardness of the proposed code depends on number of iterations required for retrieving the correct message without an original key.
Page(s) : 70-83
ISSN : 0975-4024
Source : Vol. 7, No.1