e-ISSN : 0975-4024 p-ISSN : 2319-8613   

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ISSN: 0975-4024

Title : Review of Asymmetric Key Cryptography in Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors : U.SenthilKumaran, M.K.Nallakaruppan, M.SenthilKumar
Keywords : -
Issue Date : Apr-May 2016
Abstract :
In wireless sensor networks (WSN’s), our main aim is to ensure the confidentiality of the data which has been sensed , aggregated and communicated to the base node. This will be achieved using key management. Symmetric key management uses only one key for encryption and decryption.Symmetric key management is generally preferred in WSN, because it will consume less battery power, memory and induces less computation overhead. Asymmetric key cryptography uses two separate keys , for encryption and decryption but those two keys are interconnected with complex mathematical algorithm. Since it is using complex mathematical algorithms it will induce huge overhead on power , computation and memory Asymmetric key cryptography is not preferred in WSN. Asymmetrickey cryptography is more secured and efficient when compared to symmetric key cryptography, this paper analyzes various opportunities of implementing asymmetric cryptography in wireless sensor networks.(WSN : Wireless Sensor Networks)
Page(s) : 859-862
ISSN : 0975-4024
Source : Vol. 8, No.2